One or Two Resurrections? (Part 1)
A Study of Revelation 20 and other related passages The Millennium is a thousand years of peace that Christians like to fight about Anonymous I used to be a panmillennialist--the details escape me, but it will all pan out in the end. Before that I was a premillennial...
The Foundation for the Family
There are many fictional origin stories for the family. The pagan myths, Darwin’s included, are full of chaos, violence, disaster, exploitation and sorrow. This commentary on the family by the pagan cult is reflected in pagan culture. The most popular movies, shows,...
The Sign of Circumcision
The sign of circumcision fits with the promise of the seed, the male heir who will become the new Adam, the Image victorious over the serpent Genesis 3:15. But circumcision and the protoevangelium are also built on the theme of separation. God places enmity between...
The Sign of the Rainbow
God makes His covenant with Noah, his descendants, and with all living creatures. Genesis 9:11 Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” This is...
Giorgio and the Recital
There once was a bright piano student, Giorgio, who was invited to play in a piano recital celebrating the genius of Beethoven. Many students and their instructors accepted the same invitation. Giorgio’s instructor showed him three different pieces by Beethoven, but...
Sunday’s Leftovers: Prophetable Deconstruction
Last Sunday we continued looking at Stephen's defense of the faith in Acts 7:38-50. Stephen made no attempt to satiate the wrath of his accusers. They hated the Christ of him, and so he declared Christ to them. They accused Stephen of blaspheming Moses and God,...
The Doctrine of Hell [Pt. 6]
An Exercise in Refuting False Doctrine In our final study on the doctrine of Hell, we will complete our brief survey of Old Testament themes and conclude with an assessment of all we lose when we “reframe” or outright “eliminate” the doctrine of Hell. Recall that we...
HYNR: The Doctrine of Hell [Pt. 5]
An Exercise in Refuting False Doctrine We are closing in on the final lesson or two concerning the doctrine of Hell. As we do so, we’ll finish considering the testimony of the Old Covenant prophets and psalmists, and then examine what kind of damage is done to the...
HYNR: The Doctrine of Hell [Pt. 4]
An Exercise in Refuting False Doctrine One of the complaints about the doctrine of Hell is that it cannot be found in the Old Testament. The charge goes something like this: “The doctrine of Hell was developed by later generations of Christians, who wrongly...
HYNR: The Doctrine of Hell [Pt. 3]
An Exercise in Refuting False Doctrine Thus far we have examined the Biblical doctrine of eternal punishment from four different passages in Revelation, Matthew, Mark and Luke. It is vital we continue to read passages from the epistles and the prophets in addition to...