Don’t Shoo the Messenger
We read in Acts 12 a story of persecution, prayer and God’s miraculous deliverance. Herod killed James with the sword and imprisoned Peter. Peter was slated for execution. Peter was in a jail. Peter was surrounded by four squads of soldiers. Peter was chained to two...
Applaud or Appalled?
Often God is appalled at what men applaud. Consider God's assessment of Judah in Jeremiah 5:30-31, “An appalling and horrible thing Has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule on their own authority; And My people love it so! But what...
Down to Egypt
Abraham went down to Egypt, down to Egpyt.
Christmas Dragon
We should all put dragons in our nativity scenes.
When Pillars Crack
Pillars keep cracking.
The Glory of Kings
Scripture is safe enough for a child to wade and deep enough for a grown man to drown.
Picking Pears
I look up. I pull down.
New Website
We've been working hard to bring a fresh look and new features to our website, with the purpose of putting an ever-growing repository of Christ-centered resources into your hands. Please take advantage of our sermon audio and video resources, read through the Bible...