Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

On September 2nd, 2017, during a burn ban, a 15 year old Oregon teenager went hiking through a tinder-dry forest, lighting and tossing fireworks as he went. He lit a fire that burned 48,000 acres over the course of 3 months. Justice must be served. He must make...
Show your Receipt

Show your Receipt

How do you show your receipt? On the rare occasions I actually go purchasing (not shopping) at a big box store, on my way out I let whichever little helper I have with me flash the old fashioned paper receipt to the smiling door checker. Maybe you’re one of the...
Don’t Shoo the Messenger

Don’t Shoo the Messenger

We read in Acts 12 a story of persecution, prayer and God’s miraculous deliverance. Herod killed James with the sword and imprisoned Peter. Peter was slated for execution. Peter was in a jail. Peter was surrounded by four squads of soldiers. Peter was chained to two...
Applaud or Appalled?

Applaud or Appalled?

Often God is appalled at what men applaud. Consider God’s assessment of Judah in Jeremiah 5:30-31, “An appalling and horrible thing Has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule on their own authority; And My people love it so!...
Down to Egypt

Down to Egypt

Abraham went down to Egypt, down to Egpyt. / He fled the famine and the heat. / God plagued the Pharaoh of Egypt, ‘god’ of Egypt. / Abraham’s plunder would repeat. // (Genesis 12:10-13:1) Israel went down to Egypt, down to Egypt. / He fled famine for...
Christmas Dragon

Christmas Dragon

Our family nativity is missing a figurine. We have Joseph, Mary and the baby, Jesus. Where is the dragon? It should be just off to the side, mouth open, ready to devour. We should all put dragons in our nativity scenes to more accurately explain the dread conflict...