Our Missionaries
Taking the Gospel to the world
Jonathan & Rachel Wilcock
New Tribes Missions (NTM)

Ryan & Dana Powell
Reaching and Teaching
Reaching and Teaching is burdened with a particular need. 85% of pastors have no formal theological training. The lack of access to theological education leaves the global church susceptible to false teaching and hinders them from being able to build up the body and equip believers.
Reaching and Teaching exists to close the gap on theological education worldwide. They provide culturally appropriate discipleship and training to church leaders around the world through long-term missionary mobilization, short-term theological training trips, ministry apprenticeships, and strategic church partnerships so that local pastors are well equipped to build healthy churches. They believe that healthy local churches are God’s chosen means for making mature disciples in their communities. When pastors are equipped to teach God’s Word and shepherd their church, the gospel is spread throughout the world.

Paul & Kathy
Biblical Ministries Worldwide

Verne & Denny Johnson
New Tribes Missions

Jeff & Adriana Howe
New Tribes Missions

Mitch & Baljmaa Tillman
Harbor Evangelism: Mongolia

Kris & Mary-Jane Howe
New Tribes Missions

Warren & Julie Veal
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Warren and Julie Veal, with their children, Riley, Julianne, Elyssa, Shelby, and Quinton, are missionaries with Mission Aviation Fellowship serving at MAF headquarters in Nampa, Idaho. Warren works in the Quality Department leading MAF’s Quality Management System. He measures MAF’s aviation operations for compliance with MAF standards and government regulations. His goal is to identify how MAF can improve our aviation ministry so that even more people may be physically and spiritually transformed. Julie keeps the home running well and volunteers in various children’s ministries like Good News Clubs and childcare for ladies’ Bible studies.

Josh & Christy Wohlgemut
With a background in accounting and a love for working with his hands, Josh will be busy providing financial and technical assistance to the hospital in Ferkessédougou, Ivory Coast, and nearby missionaries. With Christy’s compassion for the hurting and experience in the medical field, she will be working alongside the staff as a nurse, as well as providing training for future nurses.

Brad & Rebecca Howe
Pioneers USA