Supported Ministries
Sunnyside Baptist Church supports several organizations that fight for the sanctity of life, uplift the poor and needy, and minister to those in prison. Our support comes in the form of prayer, financial giving, volunteering, and hosting speakers. Please take some time to learn about these ministries and consider whether you could serve the Lord through coming alongside them as well in their mission to serve others in the name of Christ.

Oklahomans United for Life
Their mission is to make abortion unthinkable in Oklahoma. With the help of churches and individuals, they hope to restore and preserve Oklahoma’s Christian culture. They do this primarily through training workshops and public outreaches.

Hope Pregnancy Center South
Hope Pregnancy Centers are mostly staffed by volunteers trained to offer support for women and men of all ages. Their desire is to encourage, to affirm dignity and self-worth, and to suggest positive options for individual situations and needs, without judgment or cost.
Some of the no-cost and confidential services provided are pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, pregnancy options education, empowered Parenting and Fatherhood programs, adoption information, abortion recovery help, and community referrals.
Through personal interaction, videos and brochures, they supply men and women with the education they need to make better choices for their lives. All of their brochures and videos are biblically-based. Their HOPE is that as each individual comes into a Hope Pregnancy Center, he or she finds Christ’s love.

Grace Rescue Mission
Grace Rescue Mission is an emergency shelter for up to 100 men a night. They serve 400-600 meals to the community daily.
SAFE Addictions Recovery Program (1 yr. in residence program).
6 month Back-To-Work Program (mandatory 50% income savings to enable the participant to pay required deposits when they step out on their own again.
Education program (participants enrolled in college or technical training have an indefinite stay at the mission as long as they can prove enrollment and satisfactory progression.
Security (Grace Rescue provides “as needed” security for Sanctuary Women’s Shelter, Stockyards Main Street functions and Exchange Avenue Baptist Church.

Trinity Legal Clinic
Trinity Legal Clinic of Oklahoma, Inc. is organized by attorneys in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area to help answer the call for improving access to justice and addressing the overwhelming need for legal assistance to the poor.
Through partnerships with existing community-based organizations, Trinity provides access to legal services for the clients of those organizations who cannot otherwise afford hiring their own attorney.
Trinity Legal currently provides legal services to the clients of three Oklahoma City mission agencies:
City Rescue Mission
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tues each month, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Cross and Crown
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wed. each month, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Crossings Community Center
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Fri. each month, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Living Faith Ministry
By appointment. Call them at 405.410.4544 for more information

OK Jail and Prision Ministries
Oklahoma Jail & Prison Ministries is a nonprofit, non-denominational, evangelical Christian outreach organization providing chaplains, personnel, and resources to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to those incarcerated, and to equip them for life and service.